Welcome to TannerMedico A/S website.We are a Scandinavian company. Our main product, Asonor® nose drops (with clinical documentations) is the leading brand within anti snoring medicine and we are distributing the product world wide through an expanding and highly successful network of distributors. Our mission is to improve health and quality of life to the 40% of the population that are snoring. Asonor® is a patented and trademark. Award winning Asonor® is CE-marked in conformity with the EEC Directive 93/94/EEC and registred in USA by the FDA. Asonor is the world leader within anti snoring medicine and the best and simplest product used on the market, and in fact the only product with proper documentation about its effect. If you want to be appointed as our country distributor please contact us.
We are regularly Selling: anti snoring, asonor, drug, drugs, health, medical, medicine, pharma, healthcare.
Main Business Activities Health & Beauty - Drugs & Medications Health & Beauty - Weight Loss Health & Beauty - Medical Supplies Health & Beauty - Health Care Products
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