TannerMedico A/S
Denmark - Kobenhavns: Manufacturer
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Seeking country distributor for Asonor anti snoring

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Place of Origin: Denmark
Quantity: any
Packaging: 30ml bottle sufficient for one month use
Price: Not Specified
Classification: Health & Beauty - Drugs & Medications
Product Descpription:

Our product, Asonor is the leading brand within anti snoring medicine and we are distributing the product worldwide through a highly successful network of distributors. Asonor is a patented product, originally developed by Bohringer Ingelheim, and today patent, trademark and product is owned by TannerMedico A/S. Asonor is CE certified in conformity with the EEC Directive 93/94/EEC and classified as Medical Device Class 1. Our product effectively removes the cause of snoring. Scientific research in England, Germany and Holland shows that Asonor has a well-documented effect on snoring. Asonor is the best and simplest product used on the market, and in fact the only product with proper documentation about its effect. More than 40% of the population is snoring and this number is increasing. The retail price for Asonor in Europe is app. 23 EURO per bottle (30 ml) covering 1 month use. Our preferred distributor is a company with a sales force

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